Flying eating show, diet diary in your 40s, flying for 26 hours

Flying eating show, diet diary in your 40s, flying for 26 hours

I had lunch. I really didn’t want to go out, but there were Hepbang, Kimchi, and Makkim in the check-in bag. I took them out and ate them. I didn’t even know they were in the bag

And I had one online class and went back to sleep… I was so tired I woke up at midnight, had online classes, digested them, went back to sleep around 4 p.m., woke up at 10 p.m., got ready 45 minutes later and went to fly. I was so tired…

When I got to Helsinki airport, the screen of the airport changed. In Helsinki, you can really enjoy watching snow

As I walked through the gate, I saw Two Me I was going to film it with you, but I failed… This feeling that I’ll be filming if I see TUMI..

Delay when we get to the gate, let me sleep more at the hotel…so I waited a long time at the gate

I was getting on the plane and getting ready for the flight, but Delay Plus was so cold that I wore a jumper and ate sandwiches. I came out of the hotel after only one meal, and I was so hungry”I was working hard at boarding and pool-in business, and I decided to go to the first rest even though I slept a lot at the hotel during recess, but when I thought I couldn’t sleep, I felt sleepy again…”I’m so tired When I close my eyes, I feel sleepyIsn’t it necessary to take a confirmation shot at the bunker?LOL I take pictures like that and they burst right away..I have time to sleep and wake up, so I have to eat properly now, right? First of all, the salad that no one eats is mine, and Hong Kong people don’t eat cold vegetables.”Eating garlic bread while heating rice in the oven… Garlic toast in Helsinki is really goodSo it’s not a diet menu I ate garlic breadEat it again. Garlic toast full of butter… I shouldn’t eat this muchAnd if you grill zucchini in the oven, it’s really good.Isn’t zucchini the best diet food for dieting??eat an omelet, bread and zucchini The order of eating is very important when you go on a diet You have to eat vegetables, protein and carbohydrates in order!
So I ate grilled zucchini first, ate an omelet, and finished bread!
It took me a long time to eat, so he worked whenever he had timeI made a snack box and went back and forth on the plane for passengers to eat There’s a distanceand vegetarian lantil curry, I heated it up with collie flowers Cauliflower is also a good diet food It’s a high-nutritive, low-calorie diet foodAnd I’m going to heat up the remaining zucchiniLastly, the dessert blueberry pie is better than I thoughtYou have to work hard because you spent another hour eating hard, right??There are a lot of people who drink tea today To give him a tea I think I made more than 10 teasWe didn’t have a big cup I made a lot of paper cups and gave them about 10 cupsWhile preparing for the second service, we sometimes offer drinks. I’m very busy!
I looked outside in the middle of the service and it was already dawn.But when I arrive in Hong Kong, it’s night again, so I rarely see such a bright sky.”I also tried the second serving milkyish before landing but it was really too buttery to eat hahahaArrived in Hong Kong!
I had a medical case on the plane today, and it was quite late when I landed and waited for Embrance Still, I’m really glad the passengers were able to get on the Embrands safely.” I’ve been a flight attendant for 12 years and this is my second medical case…I was flying really well!
Today’s highlight was that upon arrival in Hong Kong, I caught a plane bound for Helsinki and re-boarded the plane I brought from Helsinki as a passenger.” I decided to meet my partner in Helsinki, so I’m going to fly right away… Really… Is this a dream or a reality…14 hours of flight to Helsinki again…I just flew 12 hours…I rode 14 hours again in Helsinki…I’m so busy, right??Hello, Hong Kong. Bye as soon as we landHong Kong looks really pretty todayUsually, pasta is famous in the section of Helsinki in Hong Kong and it is difficult to eat, but fortunately the passengers didn’t choose pasta so I could eat it.”As soon as I ate, I snore It seems like I slept for about 8 hours while going to the bathroom several times. There are many close crew members on the flight, so I let them digest for a while chatting with them.The crew team operating today, the best crew team… It’s hard to believe that only such a good crew can ride I’m in trouble. I arrived in Helsinki again… hahaha… I’m back again… Helsinki is dim…I didn’t know what day I didn’t know what day, I didn’t know what day.Wow, it’s a lot of three days… I have to walk, but I’ll be able to walk it!
I’m really hard to see this flight in Korea, but I think I’m really good for the first time. I’m really good to see this day. I’m really good. I’m going to do this.I think that I’m not a lot of physical strength, but I think it’s really often hurt yourself, and I think it’s really need to be very much better to be able to be able to be able to be.I recommend that I will try to try to try to see the plane, but I’m so hard to write healthy and happy days, life is always happyClick Jin’s fan[제발신]] Unfortunately, it’s not a reminder of what we did wrong, it’s a reminder of what we can do.[제발신]] Unfortunately, it’s not a reminder of what we did wrong, it’s a reminder of what we can do.